It is with great delight that we welcome you to St Catherine’s Primary School. A number of you are already familiar with our school, others we welcome for the first time. As parents, you have the right to expect that your child(ren) will be provided with the highest quality of education in a safe and happy climatewhere everyone is valued and treated with dignity and respect.
In our Catholic School Community, we believe that we have created a caring Christian community where children are nurtured and presented with opportunities to develop their full potential in an inspiring, challenging and well ordered environment.
We endeavour to ensure that our young people have opportunities to maximise their achievement and attainment, enabling them to develop into individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills for life.
We place great importance on our Home, School, Church Partnership working together helping pupils to know, to celebrate, to pray and to live the Catholic faith.
In partnership with all parents and the community of St Catherine’s Primary School we strive towards continuous improvement for the benefit of all our children.
Mrs Michelle Wright
Head Teacher
School Handbook