Our School Day
**** PLease note due to Covid-19 there may be some changes to the info provide, please contact the school directly to confirm details ***
School Day 9:00am - 3:00pm.
Morning Interval is 10:30am - 10.45am.
Lunch Time is 12:15pm - 1:00pm.
Parents are asked to please ensure that children are in school for 9.00am.
When pupils are late for school they report to the school office where they are issued with a late slip and this is recorded on the class register.
Class Structure
Our school teaches pupils from Primary 1 to Primary 7. Uneven distribution of the school roll can make it necessary to form a composite class. This is a class which has children at 2 or more stages e.g. P4 and P5 pupils.
The formulation of the composite class could be based on pupil working groups or age related e.g. older/younger children. A working group can be defined as a number of pupils of broadly the same attainment who have shown the capacity of working well as a learning group. This varies from year to year depending on the specific needs of the children it may concern
If you would like further information regarding composite classes, please do not hesitate to contact the school.